Apprenticeship as technical product designer machine and plant design

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Technical product designer machine and plant design (M/W/D)

As a technical product designer, you will play a significant role in the creation process of our products, from the initial idea to the final realization. Your main task is to create technical documents taking into account functional, economic, safety and environmental requirements. You create 3D models of products and systems on the PC and learn to read construction drawings. In customer projects, you will create visualizations for the systems to be built.

Training as a technical product designer (M/F/D) takes 3.5 years.

  • Participation in the development of new products as well as the maintenance and optimization of existing solutions

  • Participation in the processing of customer orders

  • Creation of 2D and 3D CAD data models and other technical documentation

  • Good intermediate school-leaving certificate, entrance qualification for a university of applied sciences or high school diploma

  • Good grades in mathematics and the other scientific subjects

  • Good spatial awareness and understanding of technical processes

  • High willingness to learn and perform

  • Ability to work in a team and flexibility

Neunkirchen (Siegerland), Giebelstadt


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After graduating from high school, I first wanted to do a technical apprenticeship. I got to know SSI SCHAEFER at a training fair and then applied.
My job is to work on the design of products and on projects for our customers. In doing so, I learn many skills beforehand in our training office for product designers. I convert 3D models into construction drawings or design complete storage facilities for customer projects.
We work with the latest hardware and software here and also have a 3D printer. I also like the fact that I go through different departments, so I get to know a lot of the product range. The atmosphere in the department is also very pleasant.
I also really like the fact that products that I have created on the computer are produced in the manufacturing department at the Neuenkirchen site. That way, I get to see the actual result of my work.
The expectations I had of my training beforehand have been fulfilled. In this respect, I can only recommend an apprenticeship at SSI SCHAEFER.

Markus, 19 years old
1st year of training as an Technical product designer machine and plant design
Microsite HR Campaign
Markus, 19 years old
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