Internal Training

HR_apprentice shooting

Trainings for your personal and professional development

Together with our colleagues, we design individual training and development plans according to your personal strengths and interests. The aim is to support the development of our employees both personally and professionally at all levels.

Therefore, we offer highly qualified technical, social and leadership training/seminars in addition to our proven training models in the technical and commercial areas. Our offering is completed by soft-skill and language training. In our company culture we are open to individual training requests..

We are convinced that continuous training is the key to success in long term. Based on individually developed training and development plans, we offer our employees an in-house learning management system, harmonized role-based training programs and very comprehensive e-learning content including department-specific news & updates.

In addition to an online training and certification platform, the SSI SCHÄFER Academy also organizes numerous, high-quality training courses in presence on a wide range of key topics.

I have been working in the After Sales department for over 4 years. I started in the technical detailed planning department. My activities included the punctual, independent mechanical as well as technical detailed planning of our projects. Thanks to internal development opportunities and management training, I was able to move into project management last year and am now responsible for the successful implementation of global projects with my team.

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고용주로서의 쉐퍼시스템즈

최신 기술과 삶의 가치가 어우러진 글로벌 주자, 쉐퍼시스템즈에 오신 것을 환영합니다! 당사를 이끄는 원동력과 고용주로서 당사에게 기대할 수 있는 것이 무엇인지 자세히 알아보십시오.

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