Apprenticeship as IT specialist for digital networking

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IT specialist for digital networking (M/F/D)

As an IT specialist for digital networking, you will become an all-rounder in the field of IT. You will learn how to program software solutions as well as how to work on IT and network problems in a solution-oriented manner. You will get to know many different areas and also work in a project-oriented team.

The training period for the IT specialist for digital networking (M/W/D) lasts 3 years.

  • Collaboration in first and second level support

  • Collaboration on internal IT projects

  • Support of the intranet

  • Cooperation in the departments of application administration, IT infrastructure, communication tools, software development, support

  • Prerequisite for the training is a general university entrance qualification, a technical college entrance qualification or the intermediate school leaving certificate

  • Interest in technical contexts and IT systems

  • Enjoyment of working with technical equipment and interest in software and software development

  • Ability to work in a team and enjoy contact

Giebelstadt, Dortmund

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