Apprenticeship as IT Specialist for applied computer science

Career applied computer science

IT specialist for applied computer science (M/F/D)

As an IT specialist for for applied computer science you are responsible for the realization of software projects according to customer requirements. The focus is on programming a wide variety of software solutions and project-related tasks.

The training period for the IT specialist for for applied computer science (M/W/D) lasts 3 years.

  • Passing through various departments (e.g. human resources, purchasing, export, finance and accounting, marketing, various sales departments)

  • Involvement in ongoing projects

  • Integration into day-to-day business

  • Planning, implementation and control of business processes

  • Contribution of own ideas

  • Acquisition of professional and social skills

  • The opportunity to realize your own projects

  • Good academic performance, especially in the disciplines German, mathematics and English

  • At least a technical high school diploma

  • High willingness to learn and perform

  • Interest in commercial and entrepreneurial processes

  • Knowledge of MS Office (Word, Excel, Power Point)

  • Good comprehension skills

  • Ability to work in a team and flexibility

Neunkirchen (Siegerland), Giebelstadt

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