Apprenticeship as Construction mechanic, specializing in steel and metal construction


Construction mechanic, specializing in steel and metal construction (M/F/D)

As a construction mechanic specializing in steel and metal construction, you read complex technical drawings and implement them. You produce components with millimeter precision using various techniques, primarily by welding, but also by punching, drilling or other types of metalworking. You also program welding robots and check the results. You also work with computer-controlled machines and program them. You disassemble and assemble components and metal constructions and maintain them as well as plants and machines.

Training as a construction mechanic, specializing in steel and metal construction (M/W/D) lasts 3.5 years.

  • Production of components and assemblies

  • Joining of components by means of welding technology

  • Production of fixtures and auxiliary structures for steel construction

  • assembling and disassembling of metal constructions

  • operation of forming, cutting, welding equipment programmable and conventional

  • Good secondary school diploma, secondary modern school diploma or vocational school diploma

  • Skilled craftsmanship

  • Good spatial awareness

  • Good comprehension

  • Ability to work in a team and flexibility

  • Good knowledge of mathematics and physics

  • Interest in and understanding of technical/functional interrelationships

  • High level of commitment and willingness to learn

Neunkirchen (Siegerland), Giebelstadt

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