Apprenticeship as Office Manager


Office Manager (M/F/D)

In the commercial field, we currently offer apprenticeships in Giebelstadt as an office managemer. Here you will deal with commercial and business management tasks such as finance and accounting, sales and marketing, human resources and materials management.

The training to become an office manager (M/F/D) lasts 3 years.

  • Support with candidate management, organization of business trips and customer visits, order confirmation,  invoice verification and event management

  • Collaboration in the human resources department, administration/assistance, purchasing, accounting, marketing and customer service departments

  • Prerequisite for the apprenticeship is a general university entrance qualification, a technical college entrance qualification or a secondary school leaving certificate (mittlere Reife)

  • Interest in business contexts

  • Organizational skills

  • Ability to work in a team and sociability


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