Commercial Apprenticeship


Start your apprenticeship at SSI SCHAEFER

Become a link between customers and the company and contribute with a lot of responsibility to the development of the company structure, as well as the fulfillment of orders. Business people deal with commercial and business management tasks such as finance and accounting, sales and marketing, human resources and materials management.


Apprenticeship as Industrial Clerk


Apprenticeship as Office Manager

Your advantages at SSI SCHAEFER

It is important to us that you feel comfortable with us. We create the best conditions for your professional development - and also have a lot to offer beyond that!

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Padomi, kā veidot pieteikumu

Pieteikuma veidošanā ir svarīgi parādīt savas prasmes un kvalitātes, kas spēlēs svarīgu lomu nākotnes darba pozīcijā. Atklājiet noderīgus padomus pieteikuma veidošanā, kā arī...

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Microsite HR Campaign


Are technology and software your thing and do you want a job in a modern and international company? Then you've come to the right place!

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