Closer to the customer: intralogistics experienced first-hand in China
Growth in growing markets. This guiding principle is a sign of globalisation, as much in the development of automation systems and intelligent intralogistics solutions as for engagement in potential sales markets, such as Asia. Against the backdrop of close proximity to customers, SSI SCHAEFER is the first company in the sector to establish a modern 6,000-m² technology centre near Shanghai over the next few weeks. It opened successfully on 21st April 2017 with an official inauguration ceremony with 200 visitors covering different market sectors like manufacturing, healthcare, retail & wholesales, food & beverages and fashion. "With this step, we do not only want to strengthen our presence in an important future market," explains Jonathan Kwok, CEO Automation China of SSI SCHAEFER. "The new technology centre is also the ideal location for presenting the SSI SCHAEFER Group's product spectrum and above all for face-to-face contact with customers, giving us an opportunity to exchange information. We will also be focussing on developing specific solutions tailored to the market. In the new technology centre, we are bringing efficient intralogistics to life for the market players in that area."
Situated in Eastern China, the technology centre gives users from across the country the opportunity to see for themselves how the systems work and just how powerful they are. The intralogistics specialists will also provide information on the extensive range of services that the SSI SCHAEFER Group offers worldwide for creating and equipping modern logistics centres. "In Kunshan, we are also promoting the exchange of knowledge between research and practical application as well as integrating the results into our product development," says Kwok. "The technology centre will soon be the flagship of the SSI SCHAEFER Group's innovative flair and range of services on the Chinese market."
As well as being home to internal education and training courses, regular group tours, information events and customer training sessions, after its official opening in April, the showroom will also serve as a presentation forum, displaying numerous automation solutions in live operation. Customers can take a closer look at SSI SCHAEFER products, including the Schaefer Carousel System (SCS) with connected Pick-to-Tote workstations, the LOGIMAT® storage lift, or the A-Frame and S-Pemat automatic picking systems, which have been specially developed for applications in the pharmaceutical industry. Our components are intelligently interconnected via our WAMAS® logistics software and control all intralogistics processes, in both manual and fully automated warehouses.
New developments and system modifications will also be showcased regularly. In the technology centre there will be a rack to show a multi-level warehouse shuttle. The construction of a single-aisle high bay warehouse with Exyz storage-retrieval machine and pallet conveying system also exemplifies the options for (energy) efficient warehouse processes. This gives the visitors an insight into the latest technology. And there's more: "The dialogue with the customers on the ground will shape the development of further market and sector-specific products and systems," says Kwok confidently. "This makes the SSI SCHAEFER Group's technology centre in Kunshan near Shanghai a crucial part of their global business strategy."