Preventive Maintenance: Optimum System Protection

Do you want to increase your system’s availability and avoid costs for unnecessary repairs or downtime? You can count on our preventive maintenance!

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Why Is Precise Analysis and Predictive Action So Important for Your System?

The logistics processes in your business are complex - all the more reason for everything to work together perfectly. Any disruption jeopardizes smooth operations and can lead to expensive delays, or, worst case, system downtime. 

Don’t let it come to that! With our preventive maintenance services, you’re always one step ahead. They identify deficiencies and wear, before they become a problem. 

Want to learn more about our preventive maintenance? Let’s talk!

Our Preventive Maintenance Services

Preventive maintenance is carried out by our specially trained service technicians with the help of the Computerized Maintenance Management System WAMAS Maintenance Center (formerly SSI CMMS).

As wide-ranging as your logistics needs are, our preventive maintenance services are just as comprehensive. How can we best support you? 


Through preventive maintenance, we extend your system’s service life and effectively prevent breakdowns. Our certified SSI SCHAEFER service technicians identify vulnerabilities and fix them during maintenance. 

Your benefits:  

  • Minimum system downtime 

  • Lower repair costs 

  • Longer service life with optimum performance 


Our inspections make sure nothing goes unnoticed. We check your system regularly and always keep you up to date. 

Your benefits:  

  • Regular inspection by qualified staff at fixed prices 

  • Inspection report provides information on the current condition of the system 

  • Detailed system condition report 

Safety Inspection

Play it safe with us! In the EU, operators are required to verify the safe condition of a warehouse once a year. This check also needs to follow the guidelines of the specific country. Our certified warehouse safety service technicians will handle this for you! 

Your benefits:  

  • Complete confidence in the functionality and effectiveness of all personal protective equipment 

  • No additional review by a separate inspection authority, saving money 

  • Less administrative overhead and restriction of production due to the combination of safety testing, inspection, and maintenance 

Rack Inspection

Warehouse equipment needs to be checked regularly, according to the precise requirements of DIN EN 15635 standard “Application and maintenance of storage equipment.” Our association-authorized rack inspectors know what’s important and perform visual checks as part of their inspection. The results are documented and displayed on an inspection plate. 

The following racking systems require inspection:

More safety and long durability of your system

The standard EN 15635 'Application and maintenance of storage equipment' governs the scope and procedure for inspecting storage facilities. See for yourself in our video!

System Monitoring

With our system monitoring, you can rely on your warehouse computer systems to continue running smoothly in the long term. SSI SCHAEFER’s qualified technicians use a special tool to carry out the monitoring, via remote service. 

Your benefits:  

  • Regular manual monitoring to eliminate vulnerabilities 

  • Long-term observation to identify potential defects 

  • Fast response to system error messages 

  • Monthly report with performance data and proposed solutions 

Training and Certification

Want to make the most of your system’s potential? Then, take advantage of our advanced training and continuing education offerings – right after commissioning or as needed. Each training course for your employees ends with a certificate. 

Your benefits:

  • Maintenance training on site with your systems or in our training center 

  • Training courses for operators and administrators 

  • Optional refresher training after staff changes 

  • Qualified, experienced trainers (various languages possible) 

  • Online learning platform for independent further education (SSI eAcademy

Cyber Security

As the complexity of system environments increases, so does the risk of cyberattacks. Protect yourself against them with Virtual Patching and Hardening – proven integrated security mechanisms for your corporate network! 

And with Active Patching, SSI SCHAEFER even goes one step further. This service module calibrates all IT systems at regular intervals to identify weaknesses, patch them promptly, and eliminate security vulnerabilities right at the source. 

Through constant search and analysis, in addition to the actual patching, our qualified staff can provide the best possible assessment of the specific situation. If acute risk potential is uncovered and action needs to be taken, our Remote Support is available through our hotline to assist you at any time. 

Your benefits:  

  • Proactive elimination of security vulnerabilities with Active Patching 

  • Constant search, analysis, and patching 

  • Security vulnerabilities eliminated right at the source 

  • Up-to-date overview of possible security vulnerabilities in the system at any time 

  • Security updates installed at regular intervals 

WAMAS Maintenance Center: The Smart Tool for Efficient Maintenance Processes

Our WAMAS Maintenance Center is part of the Customer Service Tools Suite of SSI SCHAEFER. It enables digital planning and control of required maintenance measures and visualizes all involved activities at the push of a button.

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Rack Inspection
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