WAMAS Entry-Level Solutions: First Step into Warehouse Digitalization

Software to take your first step into warehouse logistics digitalization and automation

Warehouse Software Solutions for Small and Medium-Sized Business & Projects

Our WAMAS Entry-Level Solutions give you powerful software solutions for the digitalization and automation of your intralogistics – specifically developed for small and medium-sized businesses. Our standardized software solutions help you quickly get off the ground with professional warehouse management, boost your efficiency and provide a good foundation for future extensions to the system. Whether you are just getting started with digital warehouse management or want to optimize your existing systems – our scalable WMS and material flow solutions can be adapted to your individual requirements and will help you optimize your processes.

Take Your Intralogistics to the Next Level with WAMAS Entry-Level Solutions

Our scalable warehouse software solutions are efficient and easy to use, creating the basis for digitizing and automating your warehouse processes. Lower your costs, increase your efficiency and improve transparency.


WAMAS Core WMS (Warehouse Management System)


WAMAS Picking Execution System

Your First Step Into Digital Warehouse Management

WAMAS Core WMS is the first step in your transition to the world of digital warehouses. The software offers standardized, scalable processes for manual warehouses with minimal complexity, and makes the ideal solution for companies that want to implement a professional warehouse management system (WMS) for the first time. Features that mark out the system include ease of use and rapid implementation.

Get Started in Automated Warehousing

Our WAMAS High Bay MFS solution connects your high bay warehouse and storage-retrieval machines with intelligent software for seamless automated warehousing. Ideal for automated storage systems with a moderate degree of process complexity, it is also suitable for both bins (BIN) and pallets (PAL). This solution will help you manage your storage and retrieval operations effectively and optimize your warehouse utilization.

Your First Step into Automated Order Picking

The WAMAS Picking Execution System is ideal for automated and hybrid order picking processes. This material flow software improves the efficiency of semi and fully automated warehouses and supports transport and conveying processes. It is particularly suitable for use in healthcare, cosmetics and related sectors where the software permits significantly higher throughput in complex logistics environments.

Efficient Warehouse Management and Automation Made Easy!

WAMAS Entry-Level Solutions allow for rapid, cost-effective implementation and, at the same time, increase efficiency and transparency in your warehouse.

Ditigal Transformation

Discover the Benefits of Our Warehouse Software

WAMAS Entry-Level Solutions allow for rapid, cost-effective implementation and, at the same time, increase efficiency and transparency in your warehouse. You enjoy the benefits of cutting-edge technology, long-term support and future-proof, scalable solutions:

Rapid Implementation and Low Costs

  1. Standardized, turn-key software

  2. Short project lead times

  3. Cost-effective solutions for small and medium-sized businesses and projects

Efficiency and Transparency

  1. Improved warehouse performance and transparency

  2. More accurate data on stock and greater stock reliability

  3. Modular design: Option to install individual components or an end-to-end solution

Cutting-edge Technology and Interconnectivity

  1. Interfaces for optimum integration into existing systems

  2. Twice yearly product updates guarantee long-term availability

  3. Future-proof, upgradeable solutions

Quality and Security

  1. Fulfills compliance and security standards

  2. Improved service and product quality

  3. Tried and tested solutions for instant results

Step Up to Challenges of Manual & Automated Warehouse Systems

Over time, many companies find themselves pushing the limits of their growth and struggling to professionalize and digitize their processes. This can be due to insufficient data on warehouse levels leading to uncertainties around stock management. Many companies also need to make improvements in relation to quality and/or boost customer satisfaction.

Our warehouse software solutions specifically address the problems companies experience as they grow over time, and when seeking to professionalize their intralogistics processes. WAMAS Entry-Level Solutions help you increase your efficiency, optimize your warehouse utilization and give you more accurate data on stock – all with a flexible solution that fits your growing requirements.

Increased satisfaction among end customers thanks to optimized warehouse management

Implementing the WAMAS Entry-Level Solutions allows for faster and more reliable order fulfillment. You can therefore expect better warehouse performance, shorter delivery times and increased satisfaction among end customers – key to gaining an edge over your competitors.

Optimizing warehouse utilization

Our software solutions let you utilize your warehouse space to best effect. Precise storage location strategies, automated warehouse movements and intelligent storage location management allow you to maximize your capacities and the smooth flow of goods.

Adapts flexibly to changing requirements

WAMAS Entry-Level Solutions grow as you grow. Our easy-to-use warehouse management software is flexible and scalable, allowing you to respond to changing market conditions or customer requirements without having to invest in expensive and complex new solutions.


WAMAS Software Solutions

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Small & Medium Enterprises

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