Manual Picking

Picking of hanging garments with RFID scanner

Humans remain an important factor in manual picking processes

Picking is the central function of warehouse logistics. A vast number of options spans the range between fully automated and manual picking systems. Using our goods-to-person solutions, you can significantly enhance the efficiency of your warehouse.

Manual picking: the person-to-goods principle

Manual picking represents the most common approach to order assembly in warehouses and distribution centers. These solutions are based on the person-to-goods principle, where the picker accesses goods stored in fixed locations

We design systems which include pick by voice, RF picking and and Pick by Light, in which employees receive the relevant picking information via signal lamps and displays. This system guides employees to the correct picking location and indicates the quantity of the goods to pick.

Diverse range of picking solutions

We offer you an extensive range of modular solutions:

Humans remain an essential and economical factor when it comes to performing picking activities due to their perception and decision-making abilities.

Pick to Light

Pick by Light and Put to Light

Pick by Voice

Pick by Voice

RF Picking

RF Picking

Batch Picking

Batch Picking

Manual picking: Solutions and benefits

Humans remain an essential and economical factor when it comes to performing picking activities due to their perception and decision-making abilities.

High flexibility

The manual picking systems from SSI SCHAEFER can be easily integrated into your existing or planned picking procedures and strategies. They are the optimum solution when used with dynamic flow racks, static racks and pallet racks. Furthermore, they can also be installed rapidly and are easy to both use and maintain.

SSI SCHAEFER workstations are designed with a clear focus on ergonomics. This approach prompted the development of the ergonomics@work!®  concept. The manual picking solutions, for example, utilize natural, user-friendly and robust materials which offer the flexibility that contributes to your employees’ comfort and, thus, their productivity.

  • The highest picking quality

  • Optimum material flow

  • Minimized error frequency

  • Gentlest handling of your products

  • Easy to integrate into your existing picking procedures

  • Scalability

  • Rapid installation

  • Easy maintenance

  • High throughput

  • Ergonomic work stations

Manual Picking Gallery

Picking is the central function of warehouse logistics. SSI SCHAEFER offers a variety of ergonomic manual picking solutions for your warehouse.

WAMAS Picking Execution System

Hybrid and fully automated order picking software for automated warehouses.

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