Trends & Insights

Download our Best Practice Guides, read about the latest Trends in Intralogistics and experience our Case Studies

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What will influence our customers today and tomorrow?

And, what trends will shape the future markets? For more than 80 years, we think beyond the obvious, understand the challenges of intralogistics, and exploit opportunities. Together with our customers we transfer this into individual solutions, into success stories. Always keeping an eye on the trend topics of the present and the future.

Best Practice Guides

The supply chain landscape is evolving rapidly. Stay updated by downloading our best practice guides! Detailing the latest advancements and solutions in the industry...

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Which trends characterize the present? What technological effects do they have? Please find here an outlook on tomorrow’s world and a number of forecasts from leading trend...

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Innovations and Trends in material handling and logistics

Case Studies

We invite you to experience our success stories in practice first hand.

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We have some stories to tell

Best Practice Guides

Innovations and Trends in material handling and logistics


We have some stories to tell

Case Studies

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