
SSI SCHÄFER har et bredt udvalg af produkter og løsninger, der dækker hele det interne materialeflow. De danner grundlaget for løsninger, der er udviklet specielt til at opfylde dine præcise behov. Vores produkter fokuserer altid på den samlede løsning.

Innovative produkter og løsninger til integreret intralogistik

Levering samme dag og butiksvenlig levering, e-handel, omnikanalisering, stigende returhåndtering, effektiv produktionsforsyning - de øgede krav til moderne intern logistik kan kun imødekommes med effektive processer og produkter.

SSI SCHÄFER har svarene på dine spørgsmål Opbevaring, transport og befordring, plukning og håndteringskrav. Tilpassede produkter, løsninger og systemer giver dig mulighed for effektivt at organisere dine varer til opbevaring og transport på dit lager eller i dit distributionscenter.

Din one-stop-kilde til komplette løsninger, der forbedrer din effektivitet

SSI SCHÄFER leverer komplette systemer med en omfattende produktionsdybde. Vores kunder nyder godt af, at vi fremstiller alle komponenter inden for SSI SCHÄFER-gruppen. Kommunikationen og kompatibiliteten mellem alle komponenterne spiller en afgørende rolle. SSI SCHÄFER hjælper dig med at holde dig konkurrencedygtig og altid være et skridt foran dine konkurrenter.

Case Study KNV


Manual order picking of barcodes with RFID scanner

Pluk & Håndtering

Container and Carton Conveyor System

Transport og transport

Waste Management Products

Waste Technology

Hovedkatalog 2023/24: Mere effektivitet med et system!

Nu endnu mere overskuelig og i et nyt, stilfuldt design. Her finder du alle vores produkter og løsninger til din intralogistik.

Download kataloget nu!

Efficient products and solutions for your intralogistics challenges

SSI SCHAEFER has the answers for your storage, conveying and transporting, picking and handling requirements. Customized products, solutions and systems enable you to efficiently organize your goods for storage and transport within your warehouse or distribution center.

Products Gallery

SSI SCHAEFER has the answers for your storage, conveying and transporting, picking and handling requirements. Customized products, solutions and systems enable you to efficiently organize your goods for storage and transport within your warehouse or distribution center.

Frequently Asked Questions on SSI SCHAFER Products and Solutions

Find answers on all issues related to our products, services and assembly instructions here.

As a business customer, you can order a selection of directly available storage bins, shelving systems, workshop equipment and waste bins directly in our Online Store – only available in German.

In our main catalogue "Products and solutions for internal material flow" you will find a complete overview of our standard range of containers and racking/shelving systems.

If you need an offer or consulting, please use our contact form.

Contact us! Profit from our expert knowledge for holistic intralogistics

Our comprehensive spare parts service is available to you as a customer, contractual partner or interested party: We will be happy to answer your questions regarding the repair, ordering, delivery and package compilation of our spare parts as well as the creation of your spare parts lists.

Send us an email to

If you are a customer with a framework or service contract, please contact your known contact persons or service points and portals.

You can also order equipment from the SSI SCHÄFER Online Store – only in German.

You can find the SSI SCHAEFER main catalogue as a free download here.

As a business customer, you can also order a selection of directly available storage boxes and shelving systems from our Online Store. (Only in Germany)

Every company has specific requirements for intralogistics. Successful planning therefore first requires a sound analysis of the current situation. The wide-ranging competence and experience of SSI SCHAEFER makes us the preferred partner for all intralogistics projects and processes: Contact us!

SSI SCHAEFER offers you a broad portfolio of services using the latest technologies such as augmented support or data-supported prevention. Our Service Account Managers are your central contact for all service questions and will put together your individual service package. Write us!

Assembly Manuals

Download all assembly instructions for shelving systems from SSI SCHAEFER.

Donwload here
Picture of pallet racking at QuantiParts
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