Semiautomação sucessiva

The perfect entry into (partially) automated warehousing


Successive warehouse automation: Partially or fully automated warehouse

As you continue to grow, it will be necessary to determine whether a manual warehouse solution can continue to meet customer expectations in the future. When the order intake increases, logistics quickly becomes a stumbling block: Long search times and cumbersome processes hinder the material flow. Order processing slows, while process costs rise, risking not only customer satisfaction, but also your company’s profitability. Three main points to consider are:

  • Make the Best Use of Your Storage Space 

Cost reduction through compact storage – that’s the secret of efficient stockkeeping. For example, our mobile racks, channel storage systems and SSI LOGIMAT® vertical lift module are designed to take up less space than static applications while significantly increasing storage capacity. This approach offers compact storage for products of all types and sizes and can easily compensate for volume increases through installation of new rack lines. Dynamic, flexible and precisely tailored to your needs! 

  • Reduce Staffing, Save Time and Lower Costs 

The skilled labor shortage affects SMEs particularly. That is one the several good reasons to gradually switch to automated storage systems: Many repetitive processes are not very ergonomic and subject your employees to a high level of physical strain. Partially automated solutions ease warehouse work, speed up operations and reduce the risk of damage and picking errors associated with manual storage. 

  • Increase Performance Through Material Flow Optimization 

Optimal delivery quality, reliable on-time delivery and the best possible picking performance – these require efficient, transparent flows of goods. Tailored solutions from SSI SCHAEFER help you get the best out of your logistics: Combine manual and automatic storage systems precisely according to your needs. Do you need to expand your capacity quickly? Or to scale up during ongoing operation? Or do you need a 24/7 flow of goods? We help you make it happen. 

All you need to know about: "Gradual Transition To Automation"

All you need to know about: "Gradual Transition To Automation"

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Gradual Warehouse Automation: See what our customers say!

Three customers share their experiences how and why they switched to automated storage systems with SSI SCHAEFER.

Related Products for Partial Automation:

Vertical Storage Lift LogiMat SLL

Sistema automatizado de miniload (AMS)

Vertical Lift Module LOGIMAT

Módulo de elevação vertical SSI LOGIMAT®

Automated guided WEASEL®

AGVs para transportadores de carga pequena

MPE Plastics case study, MRS, AGVs, PE solution

Soluções Combinadas

References for Partial Automation


An Automatic Small Parts Storage System for WFL – More Space, Better Performance

Turning obstacles into opportunities – WFL increases capacity and improves performance with an integrated vertical lift module system from SSI SCHAEFER.

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Case de Sucesso Ostendorf – Uma maneira fácil de começar com automação

Ostendorf em Emstek combina de forma eficiente e lucrativa um sistema de Bases Móveis com AGVs.

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FAQ Lists "Gradual Transition to Automated Intralogistics"

Do you want to prepare your logistics processes for the future but are still unsure whether automation is the right approach for you? Maybe our FAQ will help you decide. Still have questions? Then we look forward to hearing from you!

At first glance, the purchase costs for automated solutions appear higher than for manual systems – but their use achieves a rapid return on investment (ROI). Depending on the scale, they may pay for themselves fully within as little as three to five years! Quality is also a crucial factor when investing in the future: In the long run, inferior solutions can lead to costly downtime or further expenses. Therefore, depending on your company’s strategy and development, gradual integration of automated systems can make sense. This approach allows you to make investments and modernize processes step by step, improving performance slowly and ensuring scalability.

Data migration is essential when switching to automated storage systems. If you’re already using manual and partially automated systems to manage warehouse activities, valuable information and data are available. Migrating these requires preparation and informed analysis; the process is substantial, but worthwhile. If you’re already using a warehouse management system, the integration process will be much faster and smoother.

Our automated logistics processes are easy to operate thanks to user-friendly interfaces. Therefore, high costs and significant training time are not expected – even though this approach entrusts employees with tasks involving even greater responsibility. For the day-to-day workflow, this has many advantages: Compared to manual processes without automated quality control, the error rate drops to a minimum. Furthermore, the goods-to-person principle allows maximum picking quality. And last but not least, automated storage systems increase the level of safety – which is especially important, for instance for work in high-bay warehouses.

No, on the contrary: A digital storage system actually provides more control as part of the automation. The logistics software used monitors the processes and provides visualizations for information concerning the system, the available items and the material flow. 

Yes! Full or partial automation of existing logistics centers can be implemented during ongoing operation of your system. 

A smooth transition to automation requires careful planning. Before the installation and commissioning processes can start, it’s necessary to determine the equipment required, develop the initial design concept and select the solution according to your expectations and budget. These steps are essential in order to make the best decision for the long term between modernizing the existing system and building a new one. As a result, how long warehouse automation takes totally depends on your individual goals and plans. Feel free to contact us at any time for specific questions about your project! 

Not necessarily. For a small product range, a small number of items or limited storage capacity, a fully automated warehouse is often not the best choice. These scenarios can benefit from a partially automated solution that grows with you, since it can increase the efficiency of the processes without great expense. 

Picking at SSI LOGIMAT in combination with SSI WEASEL

Armazenamento de peças pequenas

Storing small parts in a clear and space-saving manner

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Pallet Racking with fork lift truck

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Scalable warehouse solution that can adapt to growing requirements

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