Herobild Blog


Intralogistikkens fremtid blir påvirket av en rekke samfunnsmessige og teknologiske utviklinger. Her presenterer vi noen trender og innovasjoner, som alle og enhver bør kjenne som i dag beskjeftiger seg med intralogistikk.

SAP Warehouse Dreamwarehouse

WMS: Hva kan det, og har vi bruk for det?

Et lagerstyringssystem, eller et Warehouse Management System (WMS) som det også kalles, kan optimere alle prosesser og funksjoner på lageret – helt fra varemottak til sending av ferdig pakkede ordrer. På norsk brukes lagerstyringssystem ofte som oversettelse av WMS – men WMS er den mest brukte termen for å beskrive denne logistikkprogramvaren.
Tidligere har WMS oftest vært brukt i store og komplekse lagre, men tendensen har endret seg, og i dag kan også små og mellomstore bedrifter ha stor nytte av et WMS. Styringen av lageret er i mange tilfeller nemlig avgjørende for om man kan levere raskt og feilfritt – både ved små og større ordrer.
Men hvilke konkrete fordeler er det egentlig ved et WMS? Og hvordan finner du ut om det kan lønne seg å implementere et lagerstyringssystem på nettopp ditt lager?
Les mer her og bli klokere.


6 myter om automatisering av intralogistikkprosessene

Lagerautomatisering har mange fordeler: Det øker effektiviteten og hastighet på ordrebehandling, bidrar til å redusere kostnader og reduserer antallet menneskelige feil. Likevel er det fortsatt de som tviler på om det er nødvendig å automatisere lageret.
SSI SCHÄFERs eksperter deler deres syn på noen populære feiloppfatninger om automatisering og forklarer hvorfor de ikke gjenspeiler hvordan ting virkelig fungerer.

New Content Item (2)

Work in Progress: How is Coop’s new automated DC by SSI Schaefer doing?

Once again, SSI Schaefer met up with Mats Tornard, Project Manager of Strategic Supply Chain at Coop, to discuss and sum up the current success of the ongoing Automated Logistics Centre project.

New Content Item (2)

Work in Progress: How is Coop’s new automated DC by SSI Schaefer doing?

Once again, SSI Schaefer met up with Mats Tornard, Project Manager of Strategic Supply Chain at Coop, to discuss and sum up the current success of the ongoing Automated Logistics Centre project.


Returnable containers

How volume reduction helps to reduce CO₂ emissions and what returnable container options SSI SCHAEFER provides.


Automatisering med førerløse transportsystemer (AGVs)

Fleksibel utvidelse av manuelle og halvautomatiske logistikkprosesser med førerløse transportsystemer for økt produktivitet. Finn ut mer!

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Sustainably Convincing Storage Machines and Shuttles

Everybody is talking about climate protection. Discussed in-depth in society and linked to global campaigns, the topic of sustainability is also increasingly becoming a decisive criterion in logistics to ensure whether the offered solutions are viable. This is nothing new for SSI SCHAEFER as the topic corresponds to the long-term view on Green Logistics that was firmly engrained at an early stage. This is part of our Think Tomorrow. philosophy according to which we plan logistics solutions that are tailored to our customers’ needs and continually optimized with a view towards long-term criteria - this is the basis of our success.

WEASEL Layout with mezzanine, vertical lift module LOGIMAT, shelving, conveyor,

Sterk partner for intralogistikk-komponenter

Innen området SSI Mechatronics forsyner SSI SCHÄFER markedet med produkter. Vi leverer daglig intralogistikk-komponenter til en totalentreprenør. Arnold Lanz, visepresident Hub Development & Integrator Business, forklarer hvordan dette forretningsområdet fungerer, og hvilken rolle SSI SCHÄFER spiller.


Sustainable Logistics with and through IT

Intralogistics systems are becoming larger and larger and increasingly complex. Today’s computing power of a modern warehouse IT infrastructure is breaking new ground in terms of size and complexity, thus reaching dimensions that would have been unimaginable just a couple of years ago. In the following article Markus Klug, Team Leader Data Analysis & Simulation, explains how SSI SCHAEFER enables sustainable logistics with and through IT.

Customer Service & Support

Predictive Maintenance for Sustainable Intralogistics

In the following interview, Elie Zita provides an overview of how digitalization has revolutionized customer service, guaranteeing maximized system availability and sustainability as a result of customized, predictive maintenance.

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SSI Exyz C: Automating Pallet Racks at a Later Point

A new compact “C” assembly group is now available, completing the range of proven SSI Exyz storage-retrieval machines from SSI SCHAEFER. SSI Exyz C automates the pallet rack processes in existing buildings in heights of up to 13.5 m. Without any need to upgrade floor slabs or perform extensive modifications - implementation during ongoing operation is also possible. Learn more about the energy-efficient solution.


Sustainable plastic containers

Interview with Dr. Armin Vogel: how sustainable plastic containers are produced and used in logistics over the long term.

Customer Service & Support

Digitalisering møter kundeservice

One Step Ahead for Permanent Availability


Best Place to Work: Ergonomics Meets Efficiency

An activity is carried out efficiently and effectively when it comes easy and follows clear processes. In order to meet these requirements, as part of the ergonomics@work!® program, we implement special picking stations designed to motivate employees, promote peak performance and significantly improve ergonomics at the work station. Movements such as lifting and carrying are assisted with ergonomic pulling and pushing. This means optimization of workflows and work heights. The goal is to create “feel-good work stations” that feature intuitive operator guidance using intelligent communication and display systems. The solutions are specifically tailored to the customer’s needs.



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