WAMAS Picking Execution System

Hybrid and fully automated order picking software for automated warehouses.

Optimize Your Warehouse Order Picking

Order picking is one of the core processes that determines the success of your warehouse logistics. While many companies still pick orders manually, automated technologies and assistance systems are increasingly gaining ground in the world of intralogistics.

The WAMAS Picking Execution System represents smart warehouse order picking software specially developed to pick single items and small orders. It is ideal for small to medium-sized projects across various sectors, in particular the pharmaceutical industry, that operate automated warehouses with high throughput. Our warehouse order picking software comes with material flow software for intralogistics and automation that is easy to use and efficient. The central function of the Picking Execution System is intelligent picking in semi and fully automated warehouses, as well as transporting and conveying products.

Three Key Benefits of the Warehouse Order Picking Software

  • High Throughput in Several Picking Areas

This is especially important in environments with high order volumes, such as e-commerce or in retail or wholesale distribution. Modern software and technologies make it possible for multiple picking areas to run smoothly in parallel. This drives productivity and shortens cycle times, resulting in faster order processing, speeding up the picking process and increasing customer satisfaction.

  • Various Picking Types: Semi- to Fully Automated

Modern storage systems offer different kinds of picking that can be flexibly tailored to operational requirements. Semi-automatic order picking assists employees with technical aids, such as conveyor belts, to improve efficiency and cut the number of errors. By contrast, fully automated systems run the entire process from picking through to packing. This creates scope for maximum efficiency and accuracy, particularly when working with high order volumes.

  • High Degree of Standardization & Rapid Implementation

The software is highly standardized, creating key advantages. Based on tried and tested best practice methodology, the solution integrates into existing warehouse operations with ease. This simplifies the implementation of new systems and allows for rapid adaptation to changing market requirements. Using standardized order picking software lets you use warehouse capacities more efficiently, reduces costs and shortens order response times.

Smart Picking – Fully Automated or Hybrid

This software brings together two forms of picking. Items can either be picked fully automated or at hybrid user stations using mobile terminals or Pick by Light.


Flexible Picking Solution for Automated Warehouses

Using the WAMAS Picking Execution System, you can optimize your order picking processes based on a hybrid combination of manual and fully automated processes. Boost the efficiency of your logistics operation, cut the error rate and permanently improve your warehouse performance with high throughput, various types of picking and rapid rollout.

A-Frame Picking System


Pick to Light

Pick by Light and Put to Light

RF Picking

RF Picking

Advantages of Hybrid Order Picking

Combining the power of people and machines

  • People are able to respond flexibly and process complex and unusual orders.

  • Automated systems (robots, conveyor belts, warehouse and picking systems) can carry out repetitive tasks quickly and precisely.

Accuracy and lower error rate

  • Automated systems enable precise and consistent processes with fewer errors.

  • Human checks can identify and resolve errors in the automated processes.

Increase in efficiency

  • Combining both methods reduces bottlenecks and shortens cycle times.

  • Automated systems perform heavy and monotonous tasks, while people carry out more complex tasks.


  • Hybrid systems are able to adapt better to order volumes and customer requirements.

  • These systems can scale up or down as needed.

Cost efficiency

  • Reduced error rate and enhanced efficiency bring down costs.

  • Long-term savings help recoup the initial cost of automation.


The conveyor system for the WAMAS Picking Execution System encompasses all conveyor belt and roller conveyor types and can move both small and large load carriers. Whether in bins, cartons, trays, small load carriers, pallets or roll containers – our system ensures the smooth, rapid transport of your goods throughout the warehouse. With this system in place, you can optimize your logistics processes and enhance the efficiency of your warehouse operations.

Manual order picking of barcodes with RFID scanner

What is picking?


Automated Picking

WAMAS Entry-Level Solutions: First Step into Warehouse Digitalization


Software Solutions

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