Automated guided vehicle WEASEL® with carton as load carrier

Case Study Bachmann Forming AG

Automation of internal transports at Bachmann Forming AG

For the automation of internal transports on its production site Bachmann Forming AG relies to an IFOY Award 2016 winning solution with automated guided vehicles WEASEL® from SSI SCHAEFER. The project was realized within 5 weeks only - and paid for itself within a few months.

Maximum flexibility, high levels of efficiency and scalability, a short project and implementation period, and a quick return on investment (ROI) are all benefits offered by the WEASEL® automated guided vehicle (AGV) from SSI SCHAEFER as a convenient entry-level to automated transport solutions. Compelling advantages that won over the Bachmann.CH Group,  Bachmann Forming AG is a specialist in developing customised plastic packaging and one of three specialist units of the Swiss family-owned company Bachmann. WEASEL automated transport vehicles have been in operation at the company's production site for a few months, handling the internal transport of materials between the production work stations and the existing conveying system to the dispatch area. And their performance has been commendable: switching from manual to automated internal transport processes using the WEASEL® saves the company around 7,000 hours a year, which has led to an ROI in significantly less than a year.


  • Savings of around 7,000 hours a year

  • The vehicles navigate at a speed of up to 1 m/sec along an optical lane

  • RFID tags positioned under the lane specify the WEASEL's location

  • If revenue or transport structures change, additional vehicles can easily be integrated into the entire system immediately

  • WEASELs handle 120 transport movements per hour, which equates to a total of around one million packages a year

  • The high level of availability of the AGVs is ensured by maintenance-free battery packs with a battery life of up to 16 hours

  • Low procurement and operating costs, as well as the minimal maintenance requirements


For the automation of internal transports on its production site Bachmann Forming AG relies to an IFOY Award 2016 winning solution with automated guided vehicles WEASEL® from SSI SCHAEFER. The project was realized within 5 weeks only - and paid for itself within a few months.


The efficiency of the WEASELs enables them to support Bachmann's prompt delivery service. At the same time they offer the company a high level of flexibility in terms of the automation of their internal transport processes, future growth rates and expansion to the AGV system, while also relieving employees of unproductive, time-consuming transport tasks.

Bachmann Forming AG


Automated guided WEASEL®

WEASEL®: driverless but always on track

Whether bins, cartons, trays or goods on hangers – the conveying vehicle WEASEL® masters almost all transport tasks. Gently and safely, the goods are delivered to their destination.


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