Kumppani älykkäässä sisälogistiikassa
Esittelyssä pakkasvarastoihinkin soveltuva keräilyshuttle SSI Flexi ja kompakti itseohjautuva Sally-kuljetusvaunu
Esillä puoliautomatisoitu varastointijärjestelmä ja pakkaussuunnittelu
Paneeleja, joissa asiantuntijat sekä teollisuuden ja kaupan alan logistiikan käyttäjät keskustelevat ja vaihtavat ajatuksiaan
Toisella messuosastollamme esitellään informaatioteknologiaa innovatiivisten logistiikkaratkaisujen keskeisenä osana.
SSI SCHÄFER on maailman johtavia sisälogistiikan toimittajia, ja 19.–21. helmikuuta järjestettävät kansainväliset LogiMAT-messut on alan ensimmäinen huipputapahtuma vuonna 2019. Verkkokaupan aikakaudella yritykset ovat joutuneet valtavien haasteiden eteen. Sisälogistiikka on monissa yrityksissä kehittynyt pelkästä toimitusmenetelmästä liiketoiminnan mahdollistajaksi ja ratkaisevan kilpailuedun tarjoajaksi. SSI SCHÄFER esittelee laajan, logistiikkakäyttäjien erilaisiin vaatimuksiin vastaavan palvelu- ja järjestelmäratkaisuvalikoimansa yhteensä 400 m² laajuisilla messuosastoillaan.
Messut järjestetään STUTTGARTIN MESSUKESKUKSESSA osoitteessa Messepiazza 1, 70629 Stuttgart, Saksa
Tilaa liput LogiMAT-messuille tästä! Odotamme innolla kiinnostavia keskusteluja kanssasi LogiMAT- messuilla. Löydät meidät hallin 1 osastolta D21.
Michael Mohr, Executive Vice President, Sales, at SSI SCHAEFER explains: “There is a need for flexible, scalable, sustainable and seamlessly integrated solutions that grow with the business.” Examples of these cutting-edge technologies will be on display at the company’s main stand in Hall 1.
In collaboration with robotics specialist fpt, SSI SCHAEFER will be spotlighting a standardized piece-picking solution that can be deployed for typical picking tasks encountered in many industries. The intralogistics expert will also showcase its SSI Flexi shuttle, designed especially for freezer environments.
Furthermore, the “Sally” automated guided vehicle for loads up to 100 kg, developed jointly with DS AUTOMOTION, is to make an appearance. Bearing in mind that IT plays an increasingly critical role in intralogistics, SSI SCHAEFER will be presenting a variety of IT solutions at a second stand in Hall 8. Moreover, the global player has seen strong unbroken demand for standardized products. Consequently, it will also be exhibiting efficient solutions for warehouse processes involving small load carriers.
“Our activities focus on customer benefit and success, driven by close cooperation,” underscores Michael Mohr. The intralogistics expert offers all its customers – from major corporations to mid-size businesses, with conventional warehouses or advanced Intralogistics 4.0 solutions – its technological expertise, deep understanding of specific industries, and high-quality products and services.
Rapid picking – smart robotics for any industry
SSI SCHAEFER has teamed up with fpt, headquartered in Amtzell, Germany, to offer smart robotics that enable end-to-end supply chain automation and deliver exceptional dynamism, flexibility and reliability. At LogiMAT, the two partners will be highlighting a standardized piece-picking system that combines multiple conveyor technologies to support a variety of order types and patterns. As a result, it can be employed for common picking tasks across many industries. A key role is played by the WAMAS® Vision software module, which reliably and accurately identifies individual items for picking.
Maximum flexibility – shuttle solutions for freezer environments
The SSI Flexi single-level shuttle has a wide range of smart functions. It can serve storage positions of diverse dimensions, and offers maximum modularity. At LogiMAT, SSI SCHAEFER will be providing an exclusive look at the shuttle’s energy-efficient design, based on super capacitors. This makes SSI Flexi ideal for the highly dynamic putaway and retrieval of small load carriers in freezer environments – ensuring businesses are well-equipped to meet future requirements in these scenarios.
Automated guided vehicles (AGVs) hold great potential
AGVs are a technology with a bright future. SSI SCHAEFER therefore acquired an equity stake in DS AUTOMOTION, an AGV specialist based in Linz, Austria, in 2018, extending its product portfolio. At LogiMAT 2019, visitors to the enterprise’s stand in Hall 1 will discover how these systems can be integrated into end-to-end intralogistics solutions. SSI SCHAEFER will demonstrate its compact “Sally” AGV for loads up to around 100 kg in a dedicated area. Sally flexibly fulfills many conveying tasks, and navigates autonomously by means of simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). Furthermore, visitors will be able to discover DS AUTOMOTION’s broad AGV portfolio, including the first two models of a new generation, AMADEUS and OSCAR, at stand D21 in Hall 7.
Award-winning pouch sorting system for omnichannel distribution
SSI SCHAEFER’s modular SSI Carrier pouch conveyor is an exceptionally versatile single-drive system that transfers, puts away, buffers, separates[MC1] and sorts goods. It is an exceptionally smooth, product-friendly way to move items, and offers enhanced storage density and high availability. SSI Carrier is ideal for serving multiple distribution channels simultaneously. And in the context of e-commerce, it creates a particularly cost-effective and dynamic buffer for returns. Recently, these capabilities have garnered several accolades, including the Industry Award (Industriepreis) 2018 and Handling Award 2018.
Efficient solutions involving small load carriers
Modular solutions, tailored by SSI SCHAEFER to specific customer needs, play a vital role in logistics, especially warehouses. Through a showcase presentation at its main stand, SSI SCHAEFER will illustrate how manual components can be combined with AGVs to form semi-automated solutions. As an example, its WEASEL® vehicle accepts EF and MF containers from live (KDR) shelving, and conveys these along an optical path to a designated transfer point – all without the use of complex sensors. This solution is rounded out by R3000 modular shelving, which provides efficient storage for robust, conveyor-friendly LTB and LTF containers.
Protecting products during manual or automated handling
To safeguard products during transfer, storage and handling, SSI SCHAEFER offers made-to-measure engineered packaging. These solutions are custom-shaped by thermoforming, ensuring the ideal protection and precise positioning of products. SSI SCHAEFER leverages the latest technologies to achieve process-centric and cost-efficient manufacture. The plastic panels can be made using a broad range of materials, enabling non-conductive ESD versions. Consequently, the material can be aligned with specific components and processes.
Small parts store and picking solution in one
With its latest generation of LOGIMAT® vertical storage machines, SSI SCHAEFER is taking significant steps towards greater automation and digital transformation. The LOGIMAT is a small parts store and picking solution in one, and can be operated as a stand-alone system or be directly integrated into SAP and wider logistics solutions. This form of integration can be experienced up-close at a showcase presentation at Status C’s stand in Hall 1/D36, directly opposite SSI SCHAEFER’s own stand. It is also possible to employ WAMAS® software to incorporate LOGIMAT into other ERP environments. This solution streamlines putaway and picking processes, and its flexible and simple support for integration allows scalable automation – for example, by enabling the coordinated operation of multiple lifts or the inclusion of additional system components in order to create a highly efficient, end-to-end solution.
Comprehensive logistics software portfolio on show in Hall 8/D49
SSI SCHAEFER is one of the world’s leading providers of IT solutions and pioneering software for intralogistics, with a worldwide installed base of 1,200 systems, 500 customers and 29,000 users. The company employs more than 1,100 IT experts, who create high-performance solutions combining both hardware and software. SSI SCHAEFER will be demonstrating its comprehensive software portfolio at a dedicated stand in Hall 8/D49. WAMAS®, WAMAS® GO, WAMAS® Lighthouse and SAP allow effective modeling and performance of all key tasks, from warehouse management to materials flow control. A highlight will be the WAMAS Web App that allows users to monitor the current status and development of their warehouse operations, anywhere and anytime. SSI SCHAEFER’s human experts will be aided by Pepper, a humanoid robot. Pepper will interact with visitors, providing information on the latest trends in intralogistics and artificial intelligence.
LET’S TALK – experts discuss issues and trends
The LET’S TALK forum at SSI SCHAEFER’s main stand in Hall 1 has successfully established itself as must-attend LogiMAT event. Leading logistics industry representatives and opinion leaders will be exchanging views on all three days of the exhibition. A total of seven panel discussions will be staged, each moderated by business journalist Gesa Eberl. They will highlight and investigate technology trends, business visions and success stories. Attendees can look forward to insights into subjects including artificial intelligence, robotics, automated guided vehicles, omnichannel warehousing and project development agility. LET’S TALK is again to be organized by SSI SCHAEFER in association with Logistik Heute magazine. The talks will be transmitted live online, with compiled highlights available via social media and on www.ssi-schaefer.com.
Unique career opportunities at SSI SCHAEFER – dedicated stand with Talent Zone near the Eastern Entrance
Employing the right people is essential to continued success. With this in mind, SSI SCHAEFER is always on the lookout for talented new recruits – including trainees, apprentices, cooperative-education students and both entry-level candidates and experienced professionals. SSI SCHAEFER offers all prospective employees a unique chance to experience professional and personal growth within a dynamic global business. The Human Resources team will be running a Talent Zone directly next to the Eastern Entrance to the Stuttgart exhibition center. The team will be offering one-to-one advice on career opportunities and made-to-measure training programs at SSI SCHAEFER – and looks forward to meeting potential candidates.
Hall 1, Stand D21
Hall 8, Stand D49
Eastern Entrance, Stand E003 / Talent Zone with the Human Resources Team