Storage, picking and verification of fast movers


Optimized storage strategy depending on item characteristics

Fast movers are stored in an automated miniload system and automatically picked using A-Frames. Verification is ensured with Product Verifiers or Order Verifiers. 

Storage, picking, and verification using miniload, A-Frames and Product Verifier

Fast movers are stored in a four-aisle automated miniload system, which is equipped with SSI Miniload cranes for double-deep storage and retrieval. The picking process is carried out with six A-Frame lines and 20 modules each for automatic picking. The A-Frames are replenished on demand using RF devices.

Four A-Frame lines are connected to Product Verifiers which enable efficient and automatic identification of single products to meet the zero-error requirements. Expiration dates and batch numbers are tracked using the label on the storage bin.

Get a detailed process overview by clicking Play on the video.

Verification with Order Verifier

Items wich are not able to follow the mentioned process due to characteristics, are transported to two other A-Frame lines for automatic picking. The verification is carried out semi-automatically after the picking process using Order Verifiers.

Order Verifiers handle articles of already picked customer orders and identify, count, check, verify, and document them in a single step—regardless of whether the articles are cubic or cylindrical, packaged in a blister pack, tube, or bag. The system is a reliable check solution, which reduces costly manual check processes.

Get a detailed overview of the Order Verifier by clicking on the 360˚ image. Move the cursor to adjust the perspective of the image.
