Swedish Agro

A new spare parts warehouse for Swedish Agro

In 2016, Swedish Agro Machinery took over the import of Claas products, a manufacturer of agricultural machinery, to Sweden and Norway. This not only changed the responsibility- the efficient provision of spare parts had to be ensured. Swedish Agro decided to set up a new spare parts warehouse. Skåne Skurup was chosen, one of Sweden's most agriculturally fertile areas and located very centrally. This not only enables the company to supply its 25 workshops quickly and directly with spare parts. If these are not available on site, Swedish Agro guarantees that they will be supplied from one day to the next.

Project Description

Swedish Agro Machinery needed to accommodate over 23,000 spare parts of various dimensions in a single warehouse in order to be able to supply its 25 workshops quickly and directly with spare parts. With racking systems and vertical lift modules from SSI SCHAEFER, it was not only possible to implement a scalable solution, but also to further strengthen Swedish Agro's good position.

Swedish Agro Machinery AB chose Skurup in Sweden as their new facility


A particular challenge was that the parts had to be stored in very different ways due to the different dimensions. How do we accommodate over 23,000 spare parts of various dimensions in a single warehouse?


Scope of Supply

Ten different types of storage have been implemented at Swedish Agro. These include long-span and cantilever racking for lying goods, standing moldings are stored in compartments. The spare parts, some of which are quite large, are thus stored safely and effectively.

The racking systems provide space for pallets and can be loaded with up to 30 tons. However, the height of the hall was also used as well as possible: on the one hand by a narrow aisle storage system with shelves, on the other hand by the installation of two SSI LOGIMAT® vertical lift modules, which store around 16,000 items of mostly smaller spare parts.

Two Vertical Lift Modules SSI LOGIMAT ® keep 16,000 items