Case Study Boohoo Sheffield, UK

Highly automated fashion retrofit project


Boohoo Sheffield, UK - Highly automated fashion retrofit project

SSI SCHAEFER implements new e-commerce warehouse for online fashion group Boohoo. The overall solution includes 550,000 tote locations in the SSI Cuby shuttle warehouse. The dynamic buffer in the SSI Carrier pouch sorter stores up to 150,000 returns and fast-moving items, for a planned throughput of 40,000 items per hour. In this highly dynamic material flow, the WAMAS® logistics software ensures efficient processes and the 24/7 SSI Resident Maintenance® service package guarantees maximum system availability.

Highlights of the Solution

Pouch Sorter SSI Carrier: A modular pouch sorter for e-commerce and omnichannel distribution

Pouch Sorter SSI Carrier

Shuttle System Cuby with up to 36 storage levels

SSI Cuby

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