Preventive Maintenance: Optimum System Protection

We protect and maintain with continuous monitoring and maximum availability

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Why Is Precise Analysis and Predictive Action So Important for Your System?

The logistics processes in your business are complex - all the more reason for everything to work together perfectly. Any disruption jeopardizes smooth operations and can lead to expensive delays, or, worst case, system downtime. 

Don’t let it come to that! With our preventive maintenance services, you’re always one step ahead. They identify deficiencies and wear, before they become a problem. 

Want to learn more about our preventive maintenance? Let’s talk!

Our Preventive Maintenance Services

Preventive maintenance is carried out by our specially trained service technicians with the help of the Computerized Maintenance Management System WAMAS Maintenance Center (formerly SSI CMMS).

As wide-ranging as your logistics needs are, our preventive maintenance services are just as comprehensive. How can we best support you? 


Through preventive maintenance, we extend your system’s service life and effectively prevent breakdowns. Our certified SSI SCHAEFER service technicians identify vulnerabilities and fix them during maintenance. 

Your benefits:  

  • Minimum system downtime 

  • Lower repair costs 

  • Longer service life with optimum performance 


Our inspections ensure that you are always clearly informed about the condition of your system. The use of experienced service technicians ensures a reliable assessment of the current condition of the entire system.

  • Regular inspections by qualified staff

  • Knowledge of the current state of the system based on the inspection report

  • Detailed status report of the system


Safety Inspection

A safety inspection must be carried out at least once a year in order to verify the safe condition of the system in accordance with country-specific directives. SSI SCHAEFER can arrange for these inspections, with the help of competent persons.

  • Proof that all personal protection devices function correctly and are effective

  • Reduced costs as no additional inspections by a separate authority are required

  • Less administrative overhead and production restrictions as the safety inspection can be carried out together with other inspections and maintenance activities

Rack Inspection

The standard AS4084: 2023 “Steel storage racking” provides designers of steel storage racking with specification for hot-rolled and cold-formed steel structural members used for action carrying purposes.

  • AS4084: 2023 Part 1 Design applies to structural design

  • AS4084: 2023 Part 2 Operations applies to installation, tolerances and clearances, operation and maintenance.

SSI SCHAEFER can arrange for competent persons to carry out the inspections via visual control. The results are documented, and findings are reported back to the customer. If repairs are required, the replacement can be carried out quickly and by competent persons.

The following racking systems require inspection:

Rack Inspection

The standard AS4084:2023 is to provide designers of steel storage racking with specification for hot-rolled and cold-formed steel structural members used for action carrying purposes.

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System Monitoring

System monitoring encompasses all measures necessary to ensure that the warehouse computing systems remain operational over the long term. SSI SCHAEFER carries out the monitoring with the help of a special tool and by qualified technicians via remote service.

  • Manual assessment at regular intervals to identify and eliminate deficiencies

  • Identification of potential faults through long-term observation

  • Rapid reaction to system error messages

  • Provision of solution proposals and performance data in a monthly report

Training and Certification

Your facilities and systems need to be used correctly in order to achieve their full potential and prevent unnecessary downtime. SSI SCHAEFER offers you the required training directly after commissioning and when needed. The training is always concluded with a certificate.

  • Maintenance training at the system’s location or at our technology centre

  • Operator and administrator training (optional re-training after changes in staff)

  • Qualified trainers with extensive professional expertise (available in various languages)

  • Online learning platform for continuous and independent training of your technicians
    (SSI eAcademy)

Cyber Security

In view of the rapid development of malware and the increasing complexity of the system environment offering an increased target for cyber attacks, technologically mature, integrated protection mechanisms for company networks are gaining more and more importance. The methods of "virtual patching" and "hardening" are widespread and available in the SSI SCHAEFER portfolio.

Using “Active Patching”, SSI SCHAEFER goes one step further: The service modules continuously align all common IT systems at defined, regular intervals. Identified weak spots are pointed out and patched promptly while the security gaps are eliminated directly at the source. The constant search and evaluation as well as the actual patching enable a constant evaluation of the respective situation.

The patch management is carried out by our qualified employees and the defined time windows are regulated by service contracts. If there is a need for action in the event of an acute potential risk, our remote support who can be reached via a hotline, is available at any time.

Your benefits:

  • Proactive elimination of safety gaps with “Active Patching”

  • Continuous evaluation of the situation by constant search, assessment and patching.

  • Elimination of safety gaps directly at the source

  • Up-to-date overview of possible safety gaps in the system at any time

  • Installation of safety updates at regular intervals

WAMAS Maintenance Center: The Smart Tool for Efficient Maintenance Processes

Our WAMAS Maintenance Center is part of the Customer Service Tools Suite of SSI SCHAEFER. It enables digital planning and control of required maintenance measures and visualizes all involved activities at the push of a button.

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Rack Inspection
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