Automatiserede lagersystem til små lastbærere

Højlagerkraner og shuttlesystemer fra SSI SCHÄFER er løsningen til fuldautomatisk ind- og udlagring af beholdere, kasser og bakker.

SSI Flexi Shuttle

Storage machines and shuttle systems for containers, cartons and trays

SSI SCHAEFER’s storage-retrieval machines (SRM) and shuttle systems guarantee rapid and flexible material transport together with short access times. Benefit from optimum turnover performance and vastly increased efficiency.

Modular product solutions from a single source
Products from SSI SCHAEFER are manufactured specifically for the customer on the basis of standardized components. The in-house production guarantees you consistent quality together with absolutely reliable products. SSI SCHAEFER guarantees the perfect interaction of all components through its engineering services, machine and steel construction along with control technology and proprietary IT and software developments - all from a single supplier. In recognition of this, the single-level shuttle system, SSI Cuby received the 2016 industry prize in the category “Best of 2016”.

Green Crane technology makes the SRM and shuttle systems from SSI SCHAEFER impressively energy efficient.

Fleksible processer takket være lagermaskiner og shuttlesystemer

  • Meget dynamiske, fleksible og bæredygtige.

  • Modulopbyggede løsninger, der kan udvides i takt med dine behov.

  • Optimal lagertæthed og korte tilgangstider.

  • Vedligeholdelsesvenlige takket være anvendelse af maskinelementer i høj kvalitet

  • Problemfri transport og kort montagetid takket være modulopbygningen

  • Integration i overordnede ERP-systemer eller integration af løsninger med WAMAS®

  • Komplette løsninger fra én leverandør

SSI Flexi Shuttle

SSI Flexi

Shuttle System Cuby with up to 36 storage levels

SSI Cuby

Schäfer Miniload Crane - Stroage and Retrieval Machine for totes, cartons and trays

SSI Miniload

Kontakt os for en gratis demo af effektive lagerstyringssystemer.