Stockmann Projesi için Case Study Dosyası

Case Study Stockmann

High dynamic shuttle warehouse with automated buffering and sequencing

Goods on hangers, flat goods and other items in a single warehouse from which all sales channels are supplied – this development prevails more and more in the fashion sector as well. We have developed our modular system which meets all requirements for such automated, multifunctional distribution
centers. The solutions we have successfully implemented for our customers: Stockmann proves this.

For the Finnish department store chain Stockmann, SSI SCHAEFER developed an overall solution which is designed for a performance of 55,000 order lines with 180,000 individual items per day. A pin conveyor automatically transports the individual items from the goods-in area to one of the three levels of the static warehouse area with a capacity of more than 350,000 garments. Picking is carried out in batches using RF terminals.

3D-Matrix Solution

3D-MATRIX Solution®

The focus is on the patented 3D-MATRIX Solution® consisting of automated storage modules which work together as a highly dynamic whole. The intelligent combination of the system components
provides high flexibility and efficiency without interventions and set-up times, for example during seasonal changes in the product line.


Supplying department stores and E-Commerce customers with flat goods as well as goods on hangers from one logistics system represents one of the great challenges in terms of efficient material flow.

Hanging and flat goods in a high performance warehouse

In order to be able to face seasonal peaks of this kind efficiently, Stockmann completely overhauled its corporate logistics in the course of the past years focusing on omni-channel distribution. The centerpiece of this strategy is the distribution center in Tuusula completed at the beginning of 2016, where the capacities of four former warehouse locations were consolidated. An nnovative system concept allows supplying the Stockmann department stores and handling online orders from one single ogistics facility.


The project

Modules and components for the project


Our customers say

“The completely scalable system concept also offers us a high degree of flexibility for our variable range of items and leeway for further growth. SSI SCHAEFER’S solution has thoroughly impressed us.“
Elina Laine, Logistics Manager Stockmann


  • Efficiency: handling of different order types in one warehouse

  • Reducing costs through automation of formerly manual processes

  • Flexibility: easy handling of the ever-changing quantities of the different order types

  • Universal: handling wide product ranges, from large items to cosmetics and decoration items
    to hanging garments, with one system

We offer customized shuttle systems for optimized warehousing with fast material transport and short
access times.

  • Flexible capacity

  • High performance

  • Guaranteed quality by our own production

  • High solution reliability

  • Highest security of investment


Expertise and system solutions for the industry

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