Food & Beverage

Optimum goods handling and enhanced productivity for food & beverage


Refreshingly efficient solutions for the food and beverage industry

In recent years the productivity demands on the food and beverage industry have risen significantly. Growing product diversity and constantly changing packaging makes handling using conventional block warehouses inefficient. This increases the demand for more efficient storage and picking solutions.

Solutions from SSI SCHAEFER:

Refreshingly efficient

  • Punctual provision of full pallets and picked pallets in the correct sequence for rapid loading onto trucks.

  • Move away from handling full pallets to mixed pallets holding both containers and individual products and bottles

  • Traceability and reliable processes

  • More deliveries from smaller, more frequent customer orders

  • Pricing pressure and delivery time

  • E-commerce and green logistics

  • Ergonomic picking workstations

SSI SCHAEFER’s industry specialists support you from your initial idea to the finished system, providing flexible and scalable solutions that significantly enhance your efficiency and productivity. Our technologies can handle every temperature range. In addition, we also offer you the right software for your manual, semi-automated and fully automated storage systems.

Miten automatisoida kylmäketjun logistiikka?

Lataa uusi kylmäketjulogistiikan parhaat käytännöt -oppaamme ja saat tietää, miten voit saavuttaa maksimaalisen läpimenon ja paremman kannattavuuden täysin koordinoidulla ja lämpötilavalvotulla sisälogistiikalla.

Lataa nyt
automated deep-freeze high bay warehouse

Case Studies

Refreshingly efficient


New Logistics Hub For a Leading Food Retailer


Case Study Kloosterboer Cool Port 2 Rotterdam


Case Study Mydibel

HARIBO Claim Keyvisual en

Case Study HARIBO

Mobile Racking (Type ESX)

Case Study Grolleman Coldstore

The Schäfer Lift&Run System is used for handling full pallets in the channels

Case Study RheinfelsQuellen, Germany

Pallets are being loaded into the infeed conveyor

Case Study ORCA

Pallet Conveying System at Schaeffler

Pallet Conveying System


Automated storage

Automated Guided Vehicles at SSI Schaefer

Automated Guided Vehicles

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