E-Commerce Solutions for Retail

e-commerce retail wholesale

Working Successfully with Modular Intralogistics Systems in Retail

The challenge in retail is usually to find a way to channel a diverse product assortment flexibly and efficiently:

  • For example, in the furniture industry, heavy and bulky goods often have to be handled, which can lead to musculoskeletal disorders among employees. For this reason, greater emphasis is being placed on ergonomically optimized working environments.

  • Flexibility is crucial for 3PL service providers, as customers usually only sign short-term contracts. For them, multi-client-capable material handling systems and software are essential.

All these factors must be considered when implementing e-commerce or omnichannel strategies in retail. Perfectly combined manual and/or semi-automated modules from SSI SCHAEFER that meet your demand for high-level flexibility are ideal for getting started:

  1. The SSI LOGIMAT® vertical lift module is one way to efficiently store and pick small goods. This makes it possible to make optimal use of the existing hall volume without complex installations.

  2. In order to reduce walking distances, automated guided vehicles (AGVs) can be used. The number can be successively increased as required. This means high flexibility, as no rails or conveyor elements are required and existing interfering contours can easily be taken into account.

  3. Maximum storage capacity in a small footprint can also be achieved with the Picktower, a multi-level, walk-in rack system for small-sized items.

  4. If manual and semi-automated modules no longer provide the required performance and capacity as the company develops, automatic storage-retrieval machines or shuttle systems are available.

  5. In terms of performance and ergonomics, the concept of the patented 3D-MATRIX Solution® with integrated goods-to-person workstations is particularly impressive.

  6. At the same time, the retail sector has been increasingly relying on robots, which are also controlled by the WAMAS® logistics software and are equally suitable for the automatic handling of small parts and pallet goods. Robots have the enormous advantage that they relieve your staff of monotonous and unhealthy tasks, and work error-free and at a consistent performance level. This also eliminates the need to train new employees.

By using flexibly combinable modules, we create solutions that are perfectly tailored to your individual requirements and that enable you as a retailer to process your e-commerce orders quickly, securely and efficiently.

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