Strong Partner for Intralogistic Components

A logistics solution is made up of a variety of components and does not necessarily come from just one source. SSI SCHAEFER offers customized solutions with the right system components, supplying the market with solid, product-related expertise in the area of Integrator Business Automation. Our day-to-day business involves the ability to deliver components to a general contractor, the so-called system integrator, who understands how to combine systems from different suppliers in an integrated logistics solution. Integrator Business Automation has established itself on the market with a separate sales organization focusing on these system integrators.

An interview with Arnold Lanz, Vice President of Hub Development & Integrator Business Automation at SSI SCHAEFER

What does Integrator Business Automation do?

Integrator Business Automation deals exclusively with offering and supplying individual components. The name “Integrator Business Automation” actually describes the scope of services: It revolves around mechanical, electrical, and sensor technology. Depending on the customer specifications, we can also add assembly and installation services. For projects of this kind, SSI SCHAEFER acts purely as a supplier for other general contractors. The standard components that SSI SCHAEFER sells as a subcontractor include conveying systems for large and small load carriers, storage-retrieval machines and shuttles, picking and handling systems, container systems, and dynamic storage and racking systems. Generally, we can deliver components from the entire product portfolio.

How long has SSI SCHAEFER offered solutions in the area of Integrator Business Automation?

The company first explored the component business in 2012. With the development of Integrator Business Automation we have already successfully implemented many projects with different system integrators around the world. The component supply sector is turning out to be very promising. Close to 700 system integrators with varying characteristics are active in Germany alone. This is where we have taken our initial steps, offering our high-quality products more and more to system integrators while also postioning ourselves as a component supplier. By separating our sales organizations to cater to end customers on one hand and component business on the other, Integrator Business Automation empowers us to focus fully on the system integrators and their requests.

What does cooperation with a system integrator mean for SSI SCHAEFER?

For SSI SCHAEFER, the feedback we receive relating to the individual components from a third-party technical expert is extremely valuable, whoch makes collaboration with system integrators essential. This feedback shows us exactly where we stand and which products or product features put us ahead of the competition. We also sometimes receive good feedback thats flow directly into our product development. This helps us with the development of new features, strengthening our competitive advantage and making optimal use of our production capacities.

What benefits does SSI SCHAEFER offer system integrators?

System integrators can rely on SSI SCHAEFER for a strong partnership as well as our high-quality products. Larger projects can be implemented due to the high production capacity. From a technical perspective, the system integrator can benefit even more: We offer modular system instead of a predetermined product. This means that the devices are controlled the same or in a similar way for different sizes, speeds and requirements. As a result, the system integrator does not have to adjust to the SSI SCHAEFER family of products again and again for each new project. Moreover, all products originate from a state-of-the-art series production, which includes a modern process monitoring, consistently ensuring a high level of quality. The large number of automated installations around the world demonstrates just how much SSI SCHAEFER has mastered its intralogistics business. Plus, Integrator Business Automation works fast: The system integrator is promised a quote within only three days after technical clarification. Depending on the scope of the order, components can be delivered from the plant within 12 weeks. Upon request, SSI SCHAEFER can apply its extensive experience in project planning and support, designing work stations and optimizing the layout, for example. As such, the component business becomes a win-win situation.

Where is Integrator Business Automation headed? What are the goals?

Integrator Business Automation has established itself as a successful business sector, focusing on the global component market. With around 70 SSI SCHAEFER locations around the world, system integrators are able to receive good service anywhere. In addition, we are working on increasing awareness of SSI SCHAEFER as a component supplier for intralogistics. Once SSI SCHAEFER has anchored itself among system integrators as the first company that comes to mind for components, then we will have made it. With hard work and dedication, we strive to reach this goal every day.

Arnold Lanz, Vice President Hub Development & Integrator Business Automation at SSI SCHAEFER

SSI Mechatronics - Arnold Lanz

Component Supplier for Your Intralogistics Project

SSI SCHAEFER provides individual components and systems from our wide array of products to ensure linking of machines and systems.


Components Supplier


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