Below you can download the WAMAS End User License Agreement (EULA) for the WAMAS standard software of SSI SCHAEFER for a specific country.
Valid for all offers with offer date from 15th of March, 2023*
Austria, Germany, Switzerland:Download WAMAS EULA for DE/AT/CH
Rest of the world (all other countries):Download WAMAS EULA for Rest of the World
Third Party Software Licenses
Oracle Database Special Provisions
Valid for all offers with offer date until 14th of March, 2023*
Austria, Germany, Switzerland:Download WAMAS EULA für DE/AT/CH DE
Canada:Download WAMAS EULA for CA
EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa except DE/AT/CH):Download WAMAS EULA for EMEA
LATAM (Latin America and the Caribbean):Download WAMAS EULA for LATAM
United States of America:Download WAMAS EULA for US
Rest of the world (all other countries):Download WAMAS EULA for Rest of the world
Oracle Database Special Provisions*subject to other contractual agreements