Let's Talk 2024: A Central WMS in Global Use at Gebrüder Weiss

Digitalization in the warehouse is the key to efficiency in dynamic day-to-day business. As a logistics service provider with multi-user warehouse locations, Gebrüder Weiss works with 1,250 customers worldwide and operates a total of around 620,000 square meters of warehouse space. All processes in the warehouse as well as the connection to the IT systems of customers and transport service providers are inextricably linked to state-of-the-art software.  

Process flexibility with the highest possible standardization of the software solution - a contradiction? 

Gregor Girstmayr, Head of WAMAS Enterprise at the SSI SCHAEFER Group, talks to Thomas Bischof from Gebrüder Weiss about the successful partnership: 

  • How is it possible to meet such an incredible number and variety of requirements from the warehouse locations with one software instance? 

  • What possibilities does WAMAS Enterprise WMS offer for integrating automation technologies? 

Find out more in the expert talk:

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W­A­M­A­S­ ­E­n­t­e­r­p­r­i­s­e­ ­W­M­S­ ­(­W­a­r­e­h­o­u­s­e­ ­M­a­n­a­g­e­m­e­n­t­ ­S­y­s­t­e­m­)

Harmonized Processes Worldwide

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Coop - Everthing in Stock


More efficiency and performance. WAMAS ensures process transparency and supports thereby Coop, a Swiss retail and wholesale company.

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Contact Person

Annika Nolte Project Manager CR & PR Phone No.: +49 170 9839697 Mail: annika.nolte@ssi-schaefer.com