Update - company magazine

Here we provide exciting insights and backgrounds into the world of in-house material flow and present future-oriented ideas and practical project solutions in technical and blog contributions as well as columns and interviews.

update 34, e-commerce

Update 38

Technologies with its finger on the pulse: Discover exclusive articles on the following topics:

• Megatrends - a lever for management and strategy: Which megatrends challenge us and how we can meet them proactively
• Technology & innovation: From AGVs to software all from a single source
• Customer Satisfaction: Insights into the practice of solutions-oriented logistics
• Solutions and impulses for e-commerce, software and cybersecurity

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Company Magazine Update 38- SSI SCHÄFER

Update 37: Online now!

Discover exclusive articles and interviews on the following topics:

• Robotics solutions as a feature of modern, economical logistics applications

• Customer satisfaction: How we meet individual customer requirements with solution-oriented material handling systems

• New solutions for the market requirements of today and tomorrow

• Best practice guide on cold-chain distribution

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Company Magazine Update 37 - SSI SCHÄFER

Update 36: Sustainability, e-commerce, and digitalization

2020 remains a unique year. Many of our daily rituals, both at home and at work, change daily. In retail, for example, the sudden customer shift toward digital channels and e-commerce means brand manufacturers and retailers must quickly adapt and evolve, reinvent themselves, and accelerate or rewrite their strategies. Digital transformation, in general, is having a wide-ranging impact on the business environment, creating both opportunities and challenges. However, Logistics 4.0 is not about fully digitalizing the entire warehouse. It is more about integrating the appropriate amount of digitalization and automation that a specific situation requires. Even in these uncertain times, we must not lose site of our wider priorities. We only have one planet. To raise a voice for sustainable, economically viable, and future-proof material handling solutions, SSI SCHAEFER joined the “50 Sustainability & Climate Leaders” initiative.

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Ideas, visions & solutions for intralogistics

update 34, e-commerce

Update - Company Magazine No. 34. Global english version.

Update - Company Magazine No. 33

update 32

Update - Company Magazine No. 32

Gold Bears Update Nr. 31

Update - Company Magazine No. 31

IT campaign motive - IT key visual. Three people behind screens showing

Update - Company Magazine No. 30

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