W­ A­ M­ A­ S­ ­ C­ o­ r­ e­ ­ W­ M­ S­ ­ (­ W­ a­ r­ e­ h­ o­ u­ s­ e­ ­ M­ a­ n­ a­ g­ e­ m­ e­ n­ t­ ­ S­ y­ s­ t­ e­ m­ )

Less Is Often More


WAMAS Core WMS – The Entry-Level Variant for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

WAMAS Core WMS (formerly GO!) is a tailored warehouse management solution for medium-sized storage systems, ranging from manual to semi-automated. It is based 100% on our successful WAMAS logistics software. It includes a wide range of functions to help you get the most out of your warehouse technology – from goods-in to storage, from picking to shipping. The modular structure of SSI SCHAEFER’s WAMAS Core WMS makes it easy to expand – an attractive feature, as it allows further growth to be reliably mapped while maintaining profitability.

So if you want to upgrade from manual organization to a software-based warehouse management solution, WAMAS Core WMS is the ideal choice!

Because everything is completely controlled by WAMAS we now save about 30% time. In addition, the system ensures 100% inventory transparency and traceability. The error rate has also been decisively reduced.

Christian Usinger
Logistics Manager of Leonhard Heyden GmbH
Christian Usinger
Logistics Manager of Leonhard Heyden GmbH

Your Benefits at a Glance

Full control

  • Quality assurance starting right from goods-in

  • 100% inventory transparency and traceability

  • Stock accuracy with system-guided storage and retrieval and continuous inventory

Efficient warehouse

  • Ideal storage location allocation and optimal capacity utilization

  • Reduced picking error rate for greater efficiency at lower cost

  • On-time provision of delivery orders in the shipping area

Ease of use

  • Straightforward integration into new or existing intralogistics structures

  • Fast implementation and minimal training expense

  • Easy adaptation and open for future changes

Thanks to the new solution, there is finally immediate access to every single load carrier. We now always know where an item is during picking. In addition, the current stock level is always available

Mirko Herzog
Authorized signatory and Manager Finance, Controlling, IT & Supply Chain at Walterscheid Getriebe GmbH
Mirko Herzog
Authorized signatory and Manager Finance, Controlling, IT & Supply Chain at Walterscheid Getriebe GmbH

Small & Medium Enterprises

Storage facilities for small and medium-sized enterprises

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Images SME Brochure

WAMAS Software Solutions

How to Make Your Intralogistics Ready for the Future

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W­A­M­A­S­ ­E­n­t­e­r­p­r­i­s­e­ ­W­M­S­ ­(­W­a­r­e­h­o­u­s­e­ ­M­a­n­a­g­e­m­e­n­t­ ­S­y­s­t­e­m­)

Harmonized Processes Worldwide

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