SSI Piece Picking – Next-Generation Picking Robots

Smart, fast, and reliable: Discover our solution for a fully automated picking robot for small parts!


How Efficient is Your Small Parts Picking?

Whether in industrial, e-commerce, or the pharmaceutical and cosmetics sector: Wherever single-piece picking is required in the small parts area, maximum precision is essential – With growing product assortments and increasing availability and quality demands, will your logistics be able to keep up?

Small Parts, Big Challenges

Picking small parts can quickly stretch manual solutions to their limits.

  • Insufficient throughput and efficiency

  • A shortage of skilled workers and rising labor costs

  • Worker strain due to repetitive actions and poor ergonomics

  • Susceptibility to errors, additional work and damage to the product

  • The absence of a continuous flow of goods

Does that sound familiar? Then it’s time to take the next step.

Perfect Pick! Automate Your Logistics With SSI Piece Picking

As part of a perfectly coordinated complete solution, our smart picking robot takes your logistics to a new level. SSI Piece Picking enables peak performance second by second:

  • Technical performance: Up to 1,200 picks per hour

  • A fully automated solution for single-piece picking

  • Lower employee workload, requires less staff

  • Patented gripping point optimization for gentle handling

  • 24/7 flow of goods

Piece Picking with Robots

Is this exactly what your warehouse needs? Let's talk about the integration of SSI Piece Picking into your intralogistics solution!

Next Level Piece Picking: The Benefits for You at a Glance

SSI Piece Picking is our solution for your industry’s challenges. See for yourself and discover the benefits of our robotics solution for your company:

  • Patented Gripping Point Optimization

How does the robot's control scanning manage to read more than 99% of the products on the first try? SSI Piece Picking in action is impressive: Its patent-pending picking point optimization automatically shifts the gripping point, ensuring barcodes are unobscured so they can be scanned immediately.

  • High Performance

Our portal robot uses compact suction knobs instead of finger-shaped grippers. That allows it to reach every corner of a container and grip even the smallest part. The speed adjusts individually to the specific product to save valuable time! With SSI Piece Picking, you can pick up to 1,200 small parts per hour.

  • Pick and Place

Delicate pharmaceutical products or expensive luxury cosmetics? No problem: With a pick-and-place approach, the picking robot places each item as close as possible to the bottom of the container or the storage location above the items already in the container. This not only guarantees especially gentle product handling, but also ensures precise placement to optimize the filling level.

  • Smart Technology

AI-based object recognition with integrated scanning and weighing function guarantees error-free product verification. If something unexpected happens, our smart solution knows exactly what to do: Automatic error correction solves problems like unreadable barcodes right in the robot cell, reducing the need for manual interventions to the absolute minimum.

  • High-performance software

SSI Piece Picking’s owes its impressive performance in no small part to the associated software from the WAMAS portfolio. The software module can be operated as a fully integrated component of a WAMAS installation.

  • Any Task, Any Industry

Whether the packaging is cubical, cylindrical, tube-shaped, or blister packs – our application is effective in a wide range of product assortments across different industries. Furthermore, it improves with every pick: Machine learning allows SSI Piece Picking to accumulate and process experiences.

Upgrade Your Logistics: The SSI SCHAEFER Picking Robot

SSI SCHAEFER Picking Robot

Our new gantry robot is the heart of an intelligent system solution that fits seamlessly into your concept. The pre-assembled unit is easy to install and can be adapted to your specific processes. It’s also the perfect complement to our ergonomic pick stations and ideal in combination with:

Scalable, flexible, customized – with SSI Piece Picking, your small parts picking process is future proof!

“Single-piece picking is one of the most cost-intensive processes in the material flow and requires a high level of concentration from employees. If the goal is to reduce their workflow while making order processing more efficient, the combination of the picking robot and WAMAS Piece Picking is the perfect choice.”

Thomas Elstner & Markus Jammernegg
Product Manager for WAMAS Robotics & Head of Modules at SSI SCHAEFER
Thomas Elstner & Markus Jammernegg
Product Manager for WAMAS Robotics & Head of Modules at SSI SCHAEFER

100 Percent SSI SCHAEFER, 100 Percent Successful

As the global market leader in intralogistics, we’ve already implemented many major international projects with picking robots. You’ll benefit from our experience and the robotics expertise of our partner RO-BER, an SSI SCHAEFER Group company: Our fully automated piece picking solutions are developed and manufactured exclusively in-house. You get everything from a single source, from planning to implementation and beyond.

Ready for Robotics? We Look Forward to Hearing From You!

Need more information on our fully automated picking systems? Or have questions about a specific project? We’re here for you with one-on-one support! Contact us now!

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Pallet racking system



WAMAS ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Robotics