Sievi invests in an automation solution from SSI SCHAEFER
A scalable and sustainable solution to store raw materials and finished products in one single warehouse and production site.
Sievi has commissioned SSI SCHAEFER to extend its existing warehouse located in Sievi, Finland in 2021. The footwear manufacturer supplies its products to the local market, but also exports to more than 40 countries worldwide.
Always looking for future-proof solutions, innovation and spurred by industry growth, Sievi felt the need to invest in warehouse automation. Sievi’s main goal is to enable fast and seamless delivery of its 200 SKUs (Stock Keeping Units) to the customers, as well as to accommodate future development plans for the expansion of production and storage capacities. To serve these needs, SSI SCHAEFER will provide a sustainable extension of the existing system that will double the overall performance per hour and increase storage locations by more than 60%.
The initial Sievi system was completed by SSI SCHAEFER in 2009. This previous cooperation, the scalability of the existing solution and the flexible WAMAS® software by SSI SCHAEFER formed a great basis for this ongoing partnership.
“Since Sievi is a market leader in their field and one of the most well-known brands in Finland, it feels great to continue the cooperation with a company with strong values and dedication as a family-owned business, as we are. We are looking forward to being part of this future expansion of Sievi”, says Michael Hillström, General Manager SSI SCHAEFER in Finland and Sweden.
Sustainable extension for maximum performance and storage capacity
To meet the performance requirements, SSI SCHAEFER will implement a solution for more efficient sequencing processes between the automated miniload system and packing stations. The six existing packing lines will be deinstalled and six new packing lines will be implemented in a different location. In addition, a total of six sequence towers will be installed in front of the packing stations, offering various buffer storage locations that are connected by lifts. Bins and cartons that are retrieved from the automated miniload system can be therefore efficiently buffered and conveyed to the packing stations in the required sequence.
To avoid stock shortage, a new high-bay warehouse with four SSI Exyz storage-retrieval machines will be implemented. The SSI Exyz machines will handle pallets with raw materials as well as semi-finished products. Furthermore, the automated miniload system for the storage of shoe cartons will be extended by three aisles. The scalable and sustainable solution enables Sievi to store raw materials and finished products in one single warehouse and production site.
After goods-in, raw materials and semi-finished products will be stored in the new high-bay warehouse and conveyed to the production area as required. Afterwards, finished products are stored in the automated miniload system. Shoe boxes are conveyed to the sequence towers, where they are buffered and conveyed to the packing stations in the right sequence using lifts and the conveying system. At the packing stations, the shoe cartons are packed according to customer orders. After labelling they are conveyed to the goods-out area and delivered to retailers with order sizes varying from one to 2,000 cartons.
The solution is rounded off by SSI SCHAEFER’s flexible and powerful WAMAS® logistics software and conveying system. SSI SCHAEFER offers modular and scalable solutions and services for the specific requirements of the fashion industry, all from a single source.
The project is expected to go live in December 2022.

SSI SCHAEFER will sustainably extend Sievi’s existing system to double the overall performance per hour and increase storage locations by more than 60%.